15 Positive Affirmations For kids (+printable)


Written by : Beri Gebrehiwot

Have you ever thought about the tools you wish you had as a child, and how you want to be sure to implement them in your children today?

Growing up in a traditional Habesha household with immigrant parents equipped me with great strengths and tools I am forever grateful for. At the same time, I missed opportunities to sharpen tools and practice skills that would cultivate self confidence, positive self talk, self love and an opportunity to discover and have relationship with myself.

I believe one of the most powerful skills we can teach our children is the power of positive thinking and self affirmation. We can move them to the best neighborhoods, put them in the best schools and ensure financial stability, but if they are unable to have a positive relationship with themselves and learn how to mange and control their thoughts and emotions… everything we provide for them in the physical will be in vain.

I truly believe that.

First, we as parents have to model positive thinking and positive self affirming habits and routines in our own lives. It’s never too late to start. You can read and print out my 20 Affirmations For Every Mom here.

Second, we have to be intentional with building this skill and making it a routine for our children. It’s never too early, or too late to start. My toddlers, ages 2 and 5, say their affirmations every night. And, on nights I forget to say it with them, they make sure to remind me. It has become a habit for them and they have their affirmations memorized- even my two year old (soooo cute!).

It may just seem like words they are repeating at first, but eventually, these powerful words and self-affirming statements will be a part of their subconscious mind, coming in handy when they need them as they navigate life and adapt to the various seasons and circumstances of life. It’s important we do the work to help them build the skills they need to practice positive thinking and positive self-talk to help create the narrative that they will believe about themselves.

There are plenty of studies on how positive affirmations affect our brain on the neuro chemical level, changing the neuro structure of our brain. You can read more on the scientific benefits of positive affirmations from here.

Below, you will find a downloadable file you can print and tape on your child’s wall or even frame for a common room in your home.

Do you already practice Positive Affirmations with your kids? I would love to hear about the affirmations you practice, especially if they’re not on my list.

Happy learning, growing and affirming.
