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Power Pause Reflection and What I'm Doing Different This Year

Written by : Beri Gebrehiwot

I started my Power Pause thinking I would use that time to map out my 2021, but instead- I went with the flow and followed what my body needed most.... REST.

It felt so good to not have an agenda. Not make any plans. Spend intentional time with my family each day. And, of course, make room for some home projects that were neglected for way too long. Oh, and I would by lying if I said I didn’t have FOMO for the first couple of days off of social media!

However, this 7 day break helped me prioritize myself, and it felt so good to take in lots of Self-Care time with writing sessions, walks alone, catching up with family/friends I haven't made time for in a while AND, I even got my hair done (a long, over due trip to the salon to ring in the new year, of course).

I thought I was present before, but this break really showed me that I could do a better job with engaging intentionally. I know we don't always have time for things like helping our toddler do a walk through of the entire house (3 times) looking for a lost doll, but maybe we should make time for silly things like that more often. It sends a powerful message to our toddler, and reminds us that joining our kids in their own world is just as important as them joining ours as they follow our rules.

This was the most time I spent getting on hands and knees playing board games, doll house, tea party and random scavenger hunts around the house for lost items. Knowing that I didn't have anything "important" wiating for me allowed me to be totally immersed in this type of play and it was so much fun!


There's no such thing as a good mom or bad mom- only a series of decisions that can be altered or completely thrown out.

This break really showed me that my daily decisions, especially in how I show up and interact with my family, was the result of who I was and what we had as a family dynamic.

One thing I always tell my kids: "there's a time for everything. A time to eat, a time to snack, a time to play and have fun, and a time to focus and work hard."

I think it's time I apply that rule to my own life, and carve out intentional time for everything.

Here's what I'm doing to help me do that in 2021:

+scheduling quality, undistracted 1:1 time with hubby

+scheduling quality, undistracted 1:1 time with each kid

+scheduling my hair salon appointments for the year (done! *insert hair flip*)

+scheduling my self-care walks with a specific day and time each week (same day/time for the year)

+scheduling time every Sunday to plan and look at the week ahead (learning to take bit sizes of life, instead of being overwhelmed with big picture. This is in addition to big picture ideas/plans for the year. Looking at each week ahead helps me look at the details)

And finally, I soaked up every good thing I have in this very moment of life and (really truly) enjoyed it. What a beautiful feeling to just be in the moment of every good thing you have- like to really feel the power and beauty of the present moment- the fact that we are here, alive and well, surrounded with all that we need and bursting at the seams with the love and gratitude of our family and friends.

More importantly, I really felt connected to God during this time and felt, more than I have in this past year, that I am cared for and protected; and my own worrying or self determination can't control anything. I’m finding peace in that every day and learning to trust the Universe and God's plan for my life and my family's life.

It's a beautiful life. And I hope this year will be full of moments that remind us of just that.

Happy New Year, Mamas!

I’d love to hear from you! join the conversation in our facebook community and let us know how your power pause break went.